Retargeting Audiences

To be able to retarget visitors of you website you need to place an audience tag on your Website or Page. 
The audience tag create a collection of users that you will be able to later target. 
If you would like to create several segments of users (audience) to retarget, you then need to use a tag per audience. 
eg. You may want to create a general segment of users who visit your website and a segment of users who have put a product n their shopping cart. This way you can retarget these users with different campaign parameters.

Setting your audiences in Traffiqo

You first need to start creating a retargeting campaign and go to the audience tab.

1. To target an audience, simply select it and click on "add" to transfer the audience to the right panel. 
2. If you would like to exclude an audience from your campaign, simply hit the include/Exclude switch next to the audience in the right panel.

3. Simply click the goggles icon located next to the audience name

4. Copy the tag that appears on the screen.

5. Paste the tag before the </body> element in the HTML of the page on your website.