In the campaign results  it has a little option to AD TAG --- 

Then says target dsp,,,, Traffiqo, Site Scout, The Trade Desk and so on.... 

Can we specifically run the ads on any dsp if the code is installed?
Yes you can run your ads in any DSP. In this case you wil be using Traffiqo as an ad server. 
This way you an run Rich Ads or Dynamic ads on someone else's inventory. 
In this case you will only be paying us for ad serving fees and you will be buying your media from the 3rd party DSP or Ad Network.

What do I do with the code / script?
Some self serve DSP will provide an adTag form, just paste the copied code from Traffiqo. Others will ask you to send this code to their account manager.
In all situations you need to contact to enable this feature.

If you are running a dynamic retargeting campaign, you still need to add your Traffiqo audience tags to run your ads