Dynamic Banners - Requirements
TRAFFIQO will use your Product Catalog feed to “score” your shoppers to then enable the generation of dynamic real-time ads that speak directly to your visitors on other websites.
Required Product information
Name | Description | Example |
ID (id) | Alphanumeric identifier (maximum 50 characters) of the product. | 5487 |
Name (name) | Product Name (string) | Apple iPhone 5 -16Gb |
URL (producturl) | Absolute URL of the product page (string) | http://www.yourwebsite.com/iphone5_16gb.html |
Small Image URL (smallimage) | Absolute URL of the image of the product (string) | http://www.yourwebsite.com/images/iphone5_16gb_sm.jpg |
Price (price) | Product price (without currency, without thousands separator, the ".” as decimal separator) | 499.99 |
Description (description) | Product Description (string) – Max characters: TBD | iPhone is the thinnest and lightest iPhone ever. |
Availability (instock) | Flag indicating the availability of the product. (0 or 1) | 1 |
Category ID 1 (categoryid1) | Product Category (integer or string) | Cell Phones (Category) |
• Product information must be in separated fields within the XML or CSV file
• No HTML tags should appear in the product fields including the description
How must the product information be formatted
CSV file
• The header line is mandatory. All other lines correspond to the information of a product.
• Each data must be separated by a pipe (|), even if the field is empty.
• Alphanumeric fields such as name, description, (possibly the category) must be enclosed in quotes ("). -
XML file
• XML structure must be valid. Special characters (such as & or <) need to be in HTML code
(Eg.. & and <). All nodes must be correctly closed and listed under parent/child structure.
• If a node is empty, do not include it
How is this data passed to Traffiqo
It can be done in 3 different ways:
- If the product information is not updated frequently, you can just email it to your account manager
- If you have an e-commerce you certainly can give us a Url where we can fetch the product feed
- We can provide you with and FTP access to deposit your file
We can arrange to collect the product feed recularly eg. daily, weekly, etc