Frequency Capping
What is it?
Frequency capping defines how often you wish to display ads to the same user, within a given timeframe (usually every 24 hours).
Example: A frequency cap of 3 impressions per 12 hours means that each visitor will see your ads a maximum of 3 times within 12 hours.
How does it work?
This process works via cookies, which are used to remember a visitor’s impression count. Our default setting of 3 times within 12 hours is a great starting point.
What are the best practices?
Prospecting Campaigns
For campaigns with the goal of brand awareness, increasing this number is a good idea. For performance or direct response campaigns, keeping the frequency cap between 1 and 3 is typically ideal.
From a performance perspective, increasing or decreasing your frequency cap may impact your CTR and conversion rate (CR), which is why a balance must be found between banner burnout (oversaturation) and performance.
Retargeting campaigns
For retargeting campaigns it is slightly different. Depending of where the user is in the buying funnel, you need a different frequency cap value.
As an example if the user has put a product in the shopping cart, you will want to push a lot of ads to him iin a short period of time to maximize your effort to bring him back to your site and drive a sale.
In this case you may want a F/Cap of 12 to 20 impressions every six to 24 hours depending on how fast the decision making is in your industry.